Source code for

"""Handles the management of databases"""
import logging
import os
import sqlite3

from .config import Config
from .data_reader import read_file

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class DbManager: """Class that handles the management of databases"""
[docs] @staticmethod def row_factory(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, row: dict) -> dict: """Converts the rows from the database into a dictionary Args: cursor: database cursor row: row from the database Returns: dictionary containing the row. The keys are the column names """ return {col[0]: row[idx] for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description)}
@classmethod def __query_execute( cls, cur: sqlite3.Cursor, query: str, args: tuple | None = None, error_str: str = "", is_many: bool = False ): """Materially executes the requested query, while also catching and logging any exception that may be thrown Args: cur: database cursor query: query to execute. It may contain ? placeholders args: tuple of values that will replace the placeholders error_str: name of the method that caused the exception is_many: whether to use the :func:`sqlite3.Cursor.executemany` function """ query_func = cur.executemany if is_many else cur.execute try: if args: query_func(query, args) else: query_func(query) # type: ignore except sqlite3.Error as ex: logger.error("DbManager.%s(): %s", error_str, ex)
[docs] @classmethod def get_db(cls) -> tuple[sqlite3.Connection, sqlite3.Cursor]: """Creates the connection to the database. It can be sqlite or postgres Returns: sqlite database connection and cursor """ db_file = Config.debug_get("db_file") if not os.path.exists(db_file): with open(db_file, "w", encoding="utf-8"): pass conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) conn.row_factory = cls.row_factory cur = conn.cursor() return conn, cur
[docs] @classmethod def query_from_file(cls, *file_path: str): """Commits all the queries in the specified file. The queries must be separated by a ----- string Should not be used to select something Args: file_path: path of the text file containing the queries """ conn, cur = cls.get_db() queries = read_file(*file_path).split("-----") for query in queries: cls.__query_execute(cur=cur, query=query, error_str="query_from_file") conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close()
[docs] @classmethod def query_from_string(cls, *queries: str): """Commits all the queries in the string Should not be used to select something Args: queries: tuple of queries """ conn, cur = cls.get_db() for query in queries: cls.__query_execute(cur=cur, query=query, error_str="query_from_string") conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close()
[docs] @classmethod def select_from( cls, table_name: str, select: str = "*", where: str = "", where_args: tuple | None = None, group_by: str = "", order_by: str = "", ) -> list: """Returns the results of a query. Executes "SELECT select FROM table_name [WHERE where (with where_args)] [GROUP_BY group_by] [ORDER BY order_by]" Args: table_name: name of the table used in the FROM select: columns considered for the query where: where clause, with %s placeholders for the where_args where_args: args used in the where clause group_by: group by clause order_by: order by clause Returns: rows from the select """ conn, cur = cls.get_db() where = where.replace("%s", "?") where = f"WHERE {where}" if where else "" group_by = f"GROUP BY {group_by}" if group_by else "" order_by = f"ORDER BY {order_by}" if order_by else "" cls.__query_execute( cur=cur, query=f"SELECT {select} FROM {table_name} {where} {group_by} {order_by}", args=where_args, error_str="select_from", ) query_result = cur.fetchall() conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() return query_result
[docs] @classmethod def count_from(cls, table_name: str, select: str = "*", where: str = "", where_args: tuple | None = None) -> int: """Returns the number of rows found with the query. Executes "SELECT COUNT(select) FROM table_name [WHERE where (with where_args)]" Args: table_name: name of the table used in the FROM select: columns considered for the query where: where clause, with %s placeholders for the where_args where_args: args used in the where clause Returns: number of rows """ conn, cur = cls.get_db() where = where.replace("%s", "?") where = f"WHERE {where}" if where else "" cls.__query_execute( cur=cur, query=f"SELECT COUNT({select}) as number FROM {table_name} {where}", args=where_args, error_str="count_from", ) query_result = cur.fetchall() conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() return query_result[0]["number"] if len(query_result) > 0 else None
[docs] @classmethod def insert_into(cls, table_name: str, values: tuple, columns: tuple | str = "", multiple_rows: bool = False): """Inserts the specified values in the database. Executes "INSERT INTO table_name ([columns]) VALUES (placeholders)" Args: table_name: name of the table used in the INSERT INTO values: values to be inserted. If multiple_rows is true, tuple of tuples of values to be inserted columns: columns that will be inserted, as a tuple of strings multiple_rows: whether or not multiple rows will be inserted at the same time """ conn, cur = cls.get_db() if multiple_rows: placeholders = ", ".join(["?" for _ in values[0]]) else: placeholders = ", ".join(["?" for _ in values]) if columns: columns = "(" + ", ".join(columns) + ")" cls.__query_execute( cur=cur, query=f"INSERT INTO {table_name} {columns} VALUES ({placeholders})", args=values, error_str="insert_into", is_many=multiple_rows, ) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close()
[docs] @classmethod def update_from(cls, table_name: str, set_clause: str, where: str = "", args: tuple | None = None): """Updates the rows from the specified table, where the condition, when set, is satisfied. Executes "UPDATE table_name SET set_clause (with args) [WHERE where (with args)]" Args: table_name: name of the table used in the DELETE FROM set_clause: set clause, with %s placeholders where: where clause, with %s placeholders for the where args args: args used both in the set clause and in the where clause, in this order """ conn, cur = cls.get_db() set_clause = set_clause.replace("%s", "?") where = where.replace("%s", "?") where = f"WHERE {where}" if where else "" cls.__query_execute( cur=cur, query=f"UPDATE {table_name} SET {set_clause} {where}", args=args, error_str="update_from" ) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close()
[docs] @classmethod def delete_from(cls, table_name: str, where: str = "", where_args: tuple | None = None): """Deletes the rows from the specified table, where the condition, when set, is satisfied. Executes "DELETE FROM table_name [WHERE where (with where_args)]" Args: table_name: name of the table used in the DELETE FROM where: where clause, with %s placeholders for the where args where_args: args used in the where clause """ conn, cur = cls.get_db() where = where.replace("%s", "?") where = f"WHERE {where}" if where else "" cls.__query_execute( cur=cur, query=f"DELETE FROM {table_name} {where}", args=where_args, error_str="delete_from" ) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close()