Source code for spotted.handlers.follow_comment
"""Detect Comment on a post in the comment group"""
from telegram import Update
from telegram.ext import CallbackContext
from import User
from spotted.utils import EventInfo
async def follow_spot_comment(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
"""Handles a new comment on a post in the comment group.
Checks if someone is following the post, and sends them an update in case.
update: update event
context: context passed by the handler
info = EventInfo.from_message(update, context)
# Get the spot's message_id
reply_to_message_id = info.message.message_thread_id
# Get a list of users who are following the spot
users = User.following_users(reply_to_message_id)
# Send them an update about the new comment
for user in users:
# Avoid sending if it's made by the same user
if not user.user_id ==
await info.message.copy(chat_id=user.user_id, reply_to_message_id=user.private_message_id)