"""/sban command"""
from telegram import Update
from telegram.ext import CallbackContext
from spotted.data import User
from spotted.utils import EventInfo
async def sban_cmd(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
"""Handles the /sban command.
Sban a user by using this command and listing all the user_id to sban
update: update event
context: context passed by the handler
info = EventInfo.from_message(update, context)
if context.args is None or len(context.args) == 0: # if no args have been passed
banned_users = "\n".join(f"{user.user_id} ({user.ban_date:%d/%m/%Y %H:%M})" for user in User.banned_users())
banned_users = "Nessuno" if len(banned_users) == 0 else f"{banned_users}"
text = f"[uso]: /sban <user_id1> [...user_id2]\nGli utenti attualmente bannati sono:\n{banned_users}"
await info.bot.send_message(chat_id=info.chat_id, text=text)
for user_id in context.args:
# the sban was unsuccessful (maybe the user id was not found)
if not User(int(user_id)).sban():
await info.bot.send_message(chat_id=info.chat_id, text="Sban effettuato")
await info.bot.send_message(chat_id=info.chat_id, text="Uno o piĆ¹ sban sono falliti")