Source code for

"""Pending post management"""

from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime, timezone

from telegram import Message

from .db_manager import DbManager

[docs] @dataclass() class PendingPost: """Class that represents a pending post Args: user_id: id of the user that sent the post u_message_id: id of the original message of the post g_message_id: id of the post in the group admin_group_id: id of the admin group date: when the post was sent """ user_id: int u_message_id: int g_message_id: int admin_group_id: int date: datetime
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, user_message: Message, g_message_id: int, admin_group_id: int) -> "PendingPost": """Creates a new post and inserts it in the table of pending posts Args: user_message: message sent by the user that contains the post g_message_id: id of the post in the group admin_group_id: id of the admin group Returns: instance of the class """ user_id = u_message_id = user_message.message_id date = return cls( user_id=user_id, u_message_id=u_message_id, g_message_id=g_message_id, admin_group_id=admin_group_id, date=date, ).save_post()
[docs] @classmethod def from_group(cls, g_message_id: int, admin_group_id: int) -> "PendingPost | None": """Retrieves a pending post from the info related to the admin group Args: g_message_id: id of the post in the group admin_group_id: id of the admin group Returns: instance of the class """ pending_post_arr = DbManager.select_from( select="*", table_name="pending_post", where="admin_group_id = %s and g_message_id = %s", where_args=(admin_group_id, g_message_id), ) if not pending_post_arr: return None pending_post = pending_post_arr[0] return cls( user_id=pending_post["user_id"], u_message_id=pending_post["u_message_id"], admin_group_id=pending_post["admin_group_id"], g_message_id=pending_post["g_message_id"], date=pending_post["message_date"], )
[docs] @classmethod def from_user(cls, user_id: int) -> "PendingPost | None": """Retrieves a pending post from the user_id Args: user_id: id of the author of the post Returns: instance of the class """ pending_post_arr = DbManager.select_from( select="*", table_name="pending_post", where="user_id = %s", where_args=(user_id,) ) if not pending_post_arr: return None pending_post = pending_post_arr[0] return cls( user_id=pending_post["user_id"], u_message_id=pending_post["u_message_id"], admin_group_id=pending_post["admin_group_id"], g_message_id=pending_post["g_message_id"], date=pending_post["message_date"], )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_all(admin_group_id: int, before: datetime | None = None) -> list["PendingPost"]: """Gets the list of pending posts in the specified admin group. If before is specified, returns only the one sent before that timestamp Args: admin_group_id: id of the admin group before: timestamp before which messages will be considered Returns: list of ids of pending posts """ if before: pending_posts_id = DbManager.select_from( select="g_message_id", table_name="pending_post", where="admin_group_id = %s and (message_date < %s or message_date IS NULL)", where_args=(admin_group_id, before), ) else: pending_posts_id = DbManager.select_from( select="g_message_id", table_name="pending_post", where="admin_group_id = %s", where_args=(admin_group_id,), ) pending_posts = [] for post in pending_posts_id: g_message_id = int(post["g_message_id"]) pending_posts.append(PendingPost.from_group(admin_group_id=admin_group_id, g_message_id=g_message_id)) return pending_posts
[docs] def save_post(self) -> "PendingPost": """Saves the pending_post in the database""" DbManager.insert_into( table_name="pending_post", columns=("user_id", "u_message_id", "g_message_id", "admin_group_id", "message_date"), values=(self.user_id, self.u_message_id, self.g_message_id, self.admin_group_id,, ) return self
[docs] def get_votes(self, vote: bool) -> int: """Gets all the votes of a specific kind (approve or reject) Args: vote: whether you look for the approve or reject votes Returns: number of votes """ return DbManager.count_from( table_name="admin_votes", where="g_message_id = %s and admin_group_id = %s and is_upvote = %s", where_args=(self.g_message_id, self.admin_group_id, vote), )
[docs] def get_list_admin_votes(self, vote: "bool | None" = None) -> "list[int] | list[tuple[int, bool]]": """Gets the list of admins that approved or rejected the post Args: vote: whether you look for the approve or reject votes, or None if you want all the votes Returns: list of admins that approved or rejected a pending post """ where = "g_message_id = %s and admin_group_id = %s" where_args = (self.g_message_id, self.admin_group_id) if vote is not None: where += " and is_upvote = %s" where_args = (self.g_message_id, self.admin_group_id, vote) votes = DbManager.select_from( select="admin_id, is_upvote", table_name="admin_votes", where=where, where_args=where_args ) if vote is None: return [(vote["admin_id"], vote["is_upvote"]) for vote in votes] return [vote["admin_id"] for vote in votes]
def __get_admin_vote(self, admin_id: int) -> bool | None: """Gets the vote of a specific admin on a pending post Args: admin_id: id of the admin that voted Returns: a bool representing the vote or None if a vote was not yet made """ vote = DbManager.select_from( select="is_upvote", table_name="admin_votes", where="admin_id = %s and g_message_id = %s and admin_group_id = %s", where_args=(admin_id, self.g_message_id, self.admin_group_id), ) if len(vote) == 0: # the vote is not present return None return vote[0]["is_upvote"]
[docs] def set_admin_vote(self, admin_id: int, approval: bool) -> int: """Adds the vote of the admin on a specific post, or update the existing vote, if needed Args: admin_id: id of the admin that voted approval: whether the vote is approval or reject Returns: number of similar votes (all the approve or the reject), or -1 if the vote wasn't updated """ vote = self.__get_admin_vote(admin_id) if vote is None: # there isn't a vote yet DbManager.insert_into( table_name="admin_votes", columns=("admin_id", "g_message_id", "admin_group_id", "is_upvote"), values=(admin_id, self.g_message_id, self.admin_group_id, approval), ) number_of_votes = self.get_votes(vote=approval) elif bool(vote) != approval: # the vote was different from the approval DbManager.update_from( table_name="admin_votes", set_clause="is_upvote = %s", where="admin_id = %s and g_message_id = %s and admin_group_id = %s", args=(approval, admin_id, self.g_message_id, self.admin_group_id), ) number_of_votes = self.get_votes(vote=approval) else: return -1 return number_of_votes
[docs] def delete_post(self): """Removes all entries on a post that is no longer pending""" DbManager.delete_from( table_name="pending_post", where="g_message_id = %s and admin_group_id = %s", where_args=(self.g_message_id, self.admin_group_id), ) DbManager.delete_from( table_name="admin_votes", where="g_message_id = %s and admin_group_id = %s", where_args=(self.g_message_id, self.admin_group_id), )
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"PendingPost: [ user_id: {self.user_id}\n" f"u_message_id: {self.u_message_id}\n" f"admin_group_id: {self.admin_group_id}\n" f"g_message_id: {self.g_message_id}\n" f"date : {} ]" )