Source code for

"""Published post management"""

from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime

from .db_manager import DbManager

[docs] @dataclass() class PublishedPost: """Class that represents a published post Args: channel_id: id of the channel c_message_id: id of the post in the channel """ channel_id: int c_message_id: int date: datetime
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, channel_id: int, c_message_id: int) -> "PublishedPost": """Inserts a new post in the table of published posts Args: channel_id: id of the channel c_message_id: id of the post in the channel Returns: instance of the class """ return cls(channel_id=channel_id, c_message_id=c_message_id,
[docs] @classmethod def from_channel(cls, channel_id: int, c_message_id: int) -> "PublishedPost | None": """Retrieves a published post from the info related to the channel Args: channel_id: id of the channel c_message_id: id of the post in the channel Returns: instance of the class """ result = DbManager.select_from( table_name="published_post", where="channel_id = %s and c_message_id = %s", where_args=(channel_id, c_message_id), ) if len(result) == 0: return None post = result[0] return cls(channel_id=post["channel_id"], c_message_id=post["c_message_id"], date=post["message_date"])
[docs] def save_post(self) -> "PublishedPost": """Saves the published_post in the database""" DbManager.insert_into( table_name="published_post", columns=("channel_id", "c_message_id", "message_date"), values=(self.channel_id, self.c_message_id,, ) return self
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"PublishedPost: [ channel_id: {self.channel_id}\n" f"c_message_id: {self.c_message_id} \n" f"date: {} ]" )