"""Handles the logging of events"""
import html
import logging
import traceback
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from telegram import Update
from telegram.constants import ParseMode
from telegram.ext import CallbackContext
from spotted.data import Config
logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
async def error_handler(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
"""Logs the error and notifies the admins.
update: update event
context: context passed by the handler
logger.error(msg="Exception while handling an update:", exc_info=context.error)
traceback_list = traceback.format_exception(None, context.error, context.error.__traceback__)
traceback_str = "".join(traceback_list)
min_traceback_list = [line for line in traceback_list if "modules" in line]
min_traceback_str = "".join(min_traceback_list)
await notify_error_admin(context=context, traceback_str=min_traceback_str)
try: # log the error
log_file_path = Path(Config.debug_get("log_error_file"))
log_file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(log_file_path, "a", encoding="utf8") as log_file:
message = (
"\n___ERROR LOG___\n"
f"time: {datetime.now()}\n"
f"error: {context.error}\n"
f"error_traceback: {traceback_str}\n"
if update and update.message: # if the update contains a message, show additional info
chat = update.message.chat
message += (
f"id_message: {update.message.message_id}\n"
f"chat_id: {chat.id}\n"
f"chat_type: {chat.type}\n"
f"chat_title: {chat.title}\n"
f"message_date: {update.message.date}\n"
message += "_____________\n"
log_file.write("\n" + message)
except AttributeError as ex:
except FileNotFoundError as ex:
async def notify_error_admin(context: CallbackContext, traceback_str: str):
"""Sends a telegram message to notify the admins.
context: context passed by the handler
traceback_str: the traceback text
traceback_str = traceback_str.replace(Config.settings_get("token"), "[bot_token]")
text = f"An exception was raised:\n" f"<pre>{html.escape(traceback_str)}</pre>"
await context.bot.send_message(chat_id=Config.post_get("admin_group_id"), text=text, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
async def log_message(update: Update, _: CallbackContext):
"""Log the message that caused the update
update: update event
context: context passed by the handler
if update.message:
log_file_path = Path(Config.debug_get("log_file"))
log_file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(log_file_path, "a", encoding="utf8") as log_file:
user = update.message.from_user
chat = update.message.chat
message = (
f"\n___ID MESSAGE: {str(update.message.message_id)} ____\n"
"___INFO USER___\n"
f"user_id: {str(user.id)}\n"
f"user_name: {str(user.username)}\n"
f"user_first_lastname: {str(user.first_name)} {str(user.last_name)}\n"
"___INFO CHAT___\n"
f"chat_id: {str(chat.id)}\n"
f"chat_type: {str(chat.type)}\n"
f"chat_title: {str(chat.title)}\n"
f"text: {str(update.message.text)}\n"
f"date: {str(update.message.date)}"
log_file.write("\n" + message)
except AttributeError as ex:
except FileNotFoundError as ex: