"""Approve actions the admin can take on a pending post."""
import logging
from telegram import Update
from telegram.error import BadRequest, Forbidden
from telegram.ext import CallbackContext
from spotted.data import Config, PendingPost
from spotted.utils import EventInfo
from spotted.utils.keyboard_util import get_approve_kb, get_paused_kb
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
async def approve_status_callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
"""Handles the approve_status callback.
Pauses or resume voting on a specific pending post
update: update event
context: context passed by the handler
text and replyMarkup that make up the reply, new conversation state
info = EventInfo.from_callback(update, context)
action = info.args[0]
pause_page = int(info.args[1]) if len(info.args) > 1 else 0
items_per_page = Config.settings_get("post", "autoreplies_per_page")
new_keyboard = None
if action == "pause": # if the the admin wants to pause approval of the post
await info.answer_callback_query("In pausa")
new_keyboard = get_paused_kb(pause_page, items_per_page)
elif action == "play": # if the the admin wants to resume approval of the post
pending_post = PendingPost.from_group(admin_group_id=info.chat_id, g_message_id=info.message_id)
if pending_post:
await info.answer_callback_query("Ripreso")
new_keyboard = get_approve_kb(pending_post=pending_post)
if new_keyboard is None:
logger.error("approve_status_callback: invalid arg '%s','%d'", action, pause_page)
await info.edit_inline_keyboard(new_keyboard=new_keyboard)
async def reject_post(info: EventInfo, pending_post: PendingPost, reason: str | None = None):
"""Rejects a pending post
info: information about the callback
pending_post: pending post to reject
reason: reason for the rejection, currently used on autoreply
user_id = pending_post.user_id
pending_post.set_admin_vote(info.user_id, False)
await info.bot.send_message(
chat_id=user_id, text="Il tuo ultimo post è stato rifiutato\nPuoi controllare le regole con /rules"
) # notify the user
except (BadRequest, Forbidden) as ex:
logger.warning("Notifying the user on approve_no: %s", ex)
# Shows the list of admins who refused the pending post and removes it form the db
await info.show_admins_votes(pending_post, reason)
async def approve_yes_callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
"""Handles the approve_yes callback.
Add a positive vote to the post, updating the keyboard if necessary.
If the number of positive votes is greater than the number of votes required, the post is approved,
deleting it from the pending_post table and copying it to the channel
update: update event
context: context passed by the handler
info = EventInfo.from_callback(update, context)
pending_post = PendingPost.from_group(admin_group_id=info.chat_id, g_message_id=info.message_id)
if pending_post is None: # this pending post is not present in the database
await info.answer_callback_query() # end the spinning progress bar
n_approve = pending_post.set_admin_vote(info.user_id, True)
# The post passed the approval phase and is to be published
if n_approve >= Config.post_get("n_votes"):
user_id = pending_post.user_id
await info.send_post_to_channel(user_id=user_id)
await info.bot.send_message(
chat_id=user_id, text=f"Il tuo ultimo post è stato pubblicato su {Config.post_get('channel_tag')}"
) # notify the user
except (BadRequest, Forbidden) as ex:
logger.warning("Notifying the user on approve_yes: %s", ex)
# Shows the list of admins who approved the pending post and removes it form the db
await info.show_admins_votes(pending_post)
if n_approve != -1: # the vote changed
new_keyboard = get_approve_kb(pending_post=pending_post, approve=n_approve)
await info.edit_inline_keyboard(new_keyboard=new_keyboard)
async def approve_no_callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
"""Handles the approve_no callback.
Add a negative vote to the post, updating the keyboard if necessary.
If the number of negative votes is greater than the number of votes required, the post is rejected,
deleting it from the pending_post table and notifying the user
update: update event
context: context passed by the handler
info = EventInfo.from_callback(update, context)
pending_post = PendingPost.from_group(admin_group_id=info.chat_id, g_message_id=info.message_id)
if pending_post is None: # this pending post is not present in the database
await info.answer_callback_query() # end the spinning progress bar
n_reject = pending_post.set_admin_vote(info.user_id, False)
# The post has been refused
if n_reject >= Config.post_get("n_votes"):
await reject_post(info=info, pending_post=pending_post)
if n_reject != -1: # the number of votes changed
new_keyboard = get_approve_kb(pending_post=pending_post, reject=n_reject)
await info.edit_inline_keyboard(new_keyboard=new_keyboard)