"""Constants used by the bot handlers"""
from enum import Enum, auto, unique
CHAT_PRIVATE_ERROR = "Non puoi usare quest comando ora\nMandami un messaggio in privato"
"Questo tipo di messaggio non è supportato\n"
"È consentito solo testo, stickers, immagini, audio, video o poll\n"
"Invia il post che vuoi pubblicare\n"
"Puoi annullare il processo con /cancel"
class ConversationState(Enum):
"""Enum for the states of the conversation.
The end state must have value -1, since it is the convention used by the ConversationHandler
to terminate the conversation.
POSTING = auto() # the user is sending a new post
POSTING_PREVIEW = auto() # the user can choose whether to disable the post's link preview
POSTING_CONFIRM = auto() # the user is confirming that they want to send the post to the admins
REPORTING_SPOT = auto() # the user is reporting a post
REPORTING_USER = auto() # the user is reporting a user
REPORTING_USER_REASON = auto() # the user reports a user and has to specify the reason
SENDING_USER_REPORT = auto() # the user has to confirm the report of a user
END = -1 # the conversation has ended