Source code for spotted.handlers.reload

"""/reload command"""

from telegram import Update
from telegram.ext import CallbackContext

from import Config
from spotted.utils import EventInfo

[docs] async def reload_cmd(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): """Handles the /reload command. Reload the configuration file, updating the bot's settings. This incudes both the _settings.yaml_ and the _autorereply.yaml_ file. This way the bot can be updated without restarting it. In actuality, the current singleton is destroyed and a new one is created as soon as a configuration request is deemed necessary. Args: update: update event context: context passed by the handler Warning: Loading different configurations may cause inconsistencies in live conversations. """ info = EventInfo.from_message(update, context) Config.reload() await chat_id=info.chat_id, text="Configurazione ricaricata", reply_to_message_id=info.message_id )