"""/settings command"""
import logging
from telegram import Update
from telegram.constants import ParseMode
from telegram.ext import CallbackContext
from spotted.data import User
from spotted.utils import EventInfo, get_settings_kb
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
async def settings_cmd(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
"""Handles the /settings command.
Let's the user choose whether his posts will be credited or not
update: update event
context: context passed by the handler
info = EventInfo.from_message(update, context)
await info.bot.send_message(
text="***Come vuoi che sia il tuo post:***",
async def settings_callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
"""Handles the settings,[ anonimo | credit ] callback.
- anonimo: Removes the user_id from the table of credited users, if present.
- credit: Adds the user_id to the table of credited users, if it wasn't already there.
update: update event
context: context passed by the handler
info = EventInfo.from_callback(update, context)
user = User(info.user_id)
action = info.args[0]
if action == "anonimo": # if the user wants to be anonym
text = (
"Sei già anonimo"
if user.become_anonym() # if the user was already anonym
else "La tua preferenza è stata aggiornata\nOra i tuoi post saranno anonimi"
elif action == "credit": # if the user wants to be credited
text = "Sei già creditato nei post\n" if user.become_credited() else "La tua preferenza è stata aggiornata\n"
text += (
f"I tuoi post avranno come credit @{info.user_username}"
if info.user_username
else "ATTENZIONE:\nNon hai nessun username associato al tuo account telegram\n"
"Se non lo aggiungi, non sarai creditato"
logger.error("settings_callback: invalid arg '%s'", action)
await info.bot.edit_message_text(chat_id=info.chat_id, message_id=info.message_id, text=text)